Prime like a Pro! Why We Prime Ahead of Time

Prime like a Pro! Why We Prime Ahead of Time

Tired of waiting on your tank to saturate so you can get your vape on? Try priming your coil to speed things up! Every team member at MiVapeCo primes ahead to get the most of their coils, and you can join in on this open secret! Priming speeds up the saturation process for the wick of your coil, and guarantees a coil is loaded with e-liquid, resulting in stronger, more potent flavor and better coil longevity. Investing a few minutes into your installation can improve the quality of your vapor and the tools producing it. Priming your coil is simple and can be done on virtually any device, which means everyone can enjoy the benefits of priming!

There are a few steps to priming your coil for perfection, but each step plays a vital role in preparing your device for satisfactory cloud production. We recommend first for those with exposed cotton on their removable coils to apply their e-liquid of choice directly to any outer visible windows to the wicking materials before installing their coil to their tank/pod! When the vape is exposed to heat, it is these vents that will make contact first, so ensuring they are saturated helps prevent early burning or poor flavor from the coil.
We recommend filling from the exposed sides if available but try to resist the urge to saturate your coil from the top. Doing so can cause juice to rest on top of the coil or within its gaps for airflow, which is called flooding. A flooded coil will spit back e-liquid or crackle/gurgle during use until that excess is removed, and so we recommend to avoid the problem altogether and stick to exposed cotton only.

Priming a coil square banner coil

From there, resume the regular steps of installing your fresh coil, like securing your coils connection to its tank and filling the tank with an e-liquid of your choice. Once your tank is full, the priming process starts up again! With your tank still removed from its heat source, we recommend that you then take a “dry puff” from your tank. A dry puff is a draw off your tank like one you would normally take, but without the heating element present, you will not draw vapor on your inhale. That doesn’t mean dry puffs aren’t doing some heavy work for your tank! When you draw, you pool liquid from the tank into the wicking materials for more exposure, hitting the parts of the tank with vapor that will be most immediately exposed to heat and protecting them from early burning! This step primes the inner layer of your wicking materials and readies it for that vapor you’re looking to produce.

As you allow your tank some time to fully steep, you can take this time to ready your device for the final step of priming: prepping the wattage. Though plenty of mods are designed with high wattage in mind, we don’t recommend starting a fresh coil at its highest capabilities. In fact, easing in your coil to hotter wattages can protect it from overuse and early burning! When your tank is ready, attach it to your device and start your device at its lowest capable wattage, and then increase that wattage incrementally until you reach your desired output. Though it might not make the vapor you want right away, these steps to exposure to heat helps your coil from being worn away from high temperature immediately into using your coil.

When you implement these steps into your coil changing process, you save yourself the frustration of burnt early coils and guarantee great flavor and better coil life! Ask a team member in store for a demonstration the next time you purchase coils and e-liquid, and browse our selection to refill your tanks in-store or online today.

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